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Collaboration with Self Care Station

In 2017 I made contact with a positive mental awareness and well being Instagram page, I inquired into how I could be involved not realised they were based in the USA. They then said they were in the process of creating merchandise which promoted positive mental health and well being and asked if I wanted to be one of the artist which work would be translated into merchandise. As my work looks at topics such a mental health, social issues and feminism I was very happy to collaborate with them and make a positive outcome.

The statment below is taken from the Self Care Station website to give you an idea of what they are about.

"Why is clothing a part of fulfilling this mission?

We all need reminders. By wearing these messages on your clothing, you are able to share a reminder with anyone who crosses your path, as well as serving as a reminder for yourself."

Through this I was able to see my work translated onto clothing. I was such a heartwarming moment seeing so many people loving and wearing my work. As well as this I was fortunate enough to have artist Ariana Grande wear my work. ( I also did a separate blog post on that)

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